Where can you find a balanced approach to gaining consistent earned media coverage for your products and solutions? Right here at IGC Public Relations.


Readers consume massive amounts of original online content. Ranging from application stories and case studies, to DIY stories, to product reviews, to human interest stories. Generating online content and original editorial coverage is one of the main ways to educate while keeping a brand top of mind with customers.


Today’s content creators are at the forefront of forging new trends in the way people solve problems, access entertainment, and view products. Delivering cutting edge content to rabid subscribers, these influencers and micro-influencers are the driving force behind a new wave of content creation and consumption.


Companies can complete the balance of exposure by gaining consistent broadcast coverage through TV, radio, podcasts, and on media outlets that provide streaming content.


Digital and Print Publications:
Digital and print publications are a viable part of the media mix, with paid subscribers and a notably strong impression. Readers may be influenced when they read something tangible like a digital edition of a magazine, a newspaper, a book, or other types of print publications.